February 03, 2014

Syllable 2.1 is here

Syllable 2.1 is now available for download in the App Store!

This update brings some of the most highly requested features since the release of Syllable, including the option to have actions in Syllable affect the corresponding article from the service. For example, archiving an article in Syllable can archive the article in Pocket, Instapaper or Readability, so henceforth your Pocket/Instapaper/Readability queues will dwindle in size as you chew through them with Syllable.

Also included is a fantastic custom URL scheme (using x-callback-url) for Syllable, allowing actions to be launched from separate apps such as the excellent Launch Center Pro. I've added syllable:// as a URL scheme and two actions, addText and addURL. More information on using the new scheme can be found here including installation links.

Another fantastic addition is an all new article extracting engine. The previous engine just wasn't working as well as I'd like, not always bringing back perfect article texts from links and not always being the most reliable, but the new engine works faster, provides much better article extracting accuracy and is incredibly reliable.

Lastly there are some UI tweaks and bug fixes throughout the app, including multi-line title support!

Go get it!

November 21, 2013

Syllable 2.0 now available

Syllable's 2.0 update is now available for download! From a brand new look and feel, to Readability integration, to new controls and more customizability, I think you're really going to love this 2.0 update. I'm really proud of how it turned out.

Syllable being used.

As far as specifics go, the update includes a brand new look and feel for iOS 7 that's far more than just an aesthetic update. Readability support was also heavily requested, so Readability now joins Pocket and Instapaper as services Syllable can import your articles from. Other common requests, such as moving the text's position is now present, as well as alignment, sharing of links and sharing of how well you did. There's also many iOS 7 specific features, such as Dynamic Type support, so the size of the text in your article list will adapt to your system setting, and Background Fetching, so Syllable will periodically fetch your articles for you in the background so they're ready for your next launch.

Note that Syllable now requires iOS 7.0 as a minimum. I simply don't have time to support multiple operating systems, and iOS 7 is being adopted very quickly.

It's taken awhile, but I really didn't want to rush it, and I'm a full-time student as well. I hope the wait was worthwhile and makes you that much more of a productive reader.

I already have some great new features planned for 2.1, so stay in touch.

Go get it!

September 01, 2013

Syllable's now availble!

Hurrah! I'm really excited to say that today Syllable is available for download on the App Store. To celebrate the launch, it's available at an introductory price of just $0.99, though it won't stay at that price for long.

Syllable being used.

I'm really happy with how Syllable turned out, and I've had a lot of fun making it. But I'm not done yet, I have some really exciting features planned for the future, and I'm very excited for the upcoming update for iOS 7. Follow me on Twitter or dribbble if you'd like to see some sneak peaks.

Go check it out!